Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Benefits of Dragonframe for Stop-Motion Animators


Much like the adobe products this tool can be instrumental in an animators toolkit. It is limited in that it was created for stop motion animation only but, unlike the adobe products, it is relatively inexpensive as a software. The equipment to use the software can get expensive so I would strongly recommend doing your homework on the features you will specifically require. If you have no intention of doing stop motion, then I would not recommend this software at all, as the other softwares like After Effects will do the job better. From personal experience this software is simple to learn, and very powerful. Overall, I would rate this product as a 3 out of 5 for its limited functions and cost of tools but its simplicity and ability to render a stop motion animation with ease.


  1. This is very helpful in my search of great inexpensive software.

    1. Thanks! If you have any questions at all let me know!

  2. I think you did a well done and professional review. You gave the positives and negatives in an unbiased manner!
