Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Fantastic Animation - Omelette

Omelette Review

I was a little curious when a friend of mine, Sean Daily, sent me this link via Skype. I now know why he sent it to me. This animation is fantastic. It has no spoken parts so people from any country speaking any language can enjoy it. The term "man's best friend" is a literal truth in this animation about a man and his dog. I will admit I don't know much about the animation or its creator, Madeline Sharafian, but the style appears to be traditional animation in which the animator literally draws each frame. This may have been done digitally to save time, I'm not sure, but it is still truly impressive. I would encourage any animal lover or animator to watch this, but I would also encourage anyone interested in animation to watch this and enjoy it is a good animation and a good story. I rated this a 5 our of 5 because it shows a tremendous amount of skill and has a great story.

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